Ladies.... Some of y'all have to embrace the equation of logic over emotion. There's nothing wrong will feelings but, too much emotion will have you with a broken heart, two kids by a deadbeat dude, bad credit and an STD.......
One of the few sneakers that will release this year that deserves major attention. Here you have the Nike Air Force 180 "Olympic". All my OG sneaker lovers remember these and more importantly who wore these in the 1992 Olympics. Release date is scheduled for July 1st 2012. Let's hope the hypies stay clear of this release.
How you claim something thats been around for years? That's whats wrong with these young thundercats. Hey LeBron don't forget the part of the move when you consistently smack the defenders hand away and it never gets called. Smh & LMAO!
Do remember The Dream Team documentary premieres tonight! This is back when you had to be nice to come around nigas (in my Jadakiss voice) lol! Tune in and learn where alot of current players got they whole swag from and the real significance behind some of these kicks that y'all sleeping outside for.
So my Negro Please award goes to Idris Elba today. I appreciate humbleness but, homie is either lying or out his mind. He said that he doesn't consider himself famous, he's more of a what's that guys name again type of actor.........(blank stare)...... My man are you kidding me?!?! There ain't a chick ALIVE that don't know who you are! Also every dude in the hood knows you as Stringer Bell from "The Wire" not to mention you starred in Obsessed with Beyonce. In the words of Kid Daytona "You ain't low NIGA!"
This is the direction that i will be going. Like the homie Esco told me, no names! Do your research and find out for yourself. It's not a new brand but, they're definitely on the rise. Easy to dress up or down, you can't go wrong with these in the collection.
Another reason why it's time to take another break from this sneaker thing. These dudes must be out they fucking minds. Sad thing is it's some moron out there that's gonna pay it. Gucci prices for Nike's?
Just in case you're not willing to sleep outside for a few days to buy a pair of sneakers here's a pair that should be pretty easy to score. The Lebron Lake Summit Hornet low will be available at midnight online and pretty much everywhere in the morning. Retail is $150 and with the entire sneaker culture suffering from South Beach and Air Yeezy2 fever this should be an easy purchase.
Step 1 of separating myself from these so called sneaker lovers has been completed. The things that I see in others I myself have been guilty of at some point. I plan to use this time to reevaluate myself and make sure I'm doing this for the right reasons. I definitely don't like the direction the game is going in. Change is good but, it's only as good as the reason the change began in the first place.............THINK ABOUT IT